Splash Camp

Splash Camp provides 50 children (ages 5-12) in the community with Bible-based camp for 8 weeks each summer. We partner with a number of other churches to operate Splash Camp each year on the church grounds.
To get involved with Splash Camp 2024, please contact the church office.
Splash Re-Camp
Come attend Splash Re-Camp on the lawn of the church Friday evenings throughout the year!
No registration necessary - open to all (even if you didn't attend Splash Camp).
We plan to hold Splash Re-Camp throughout the year, approximately every 6 weeks. Watch the Upcoming Events to see when the next session will be taking place.
Activities will include field trips, visits to the YMCA and much more!
Partner Churches
We partner with the Body of Christ to operate Splash Camp and are thankful for the following churches who have sent mission teams to Cape Charles this year: